Go: Duel

Heroum's first strategic product to use the E2E concept to attract millions of gamers on a global stage.

The Rise of Explore-To-Earn Games

The GameFi industry affirms its potential and position in the online game market, which is most clearly shown through the growth rate of the recent M2E games. Investors in the blockchain space keep looking for opportunities in the new trends. That is why P2E was a huge hit. Now, the massive influx of cash into the M2E gaming projects like STEPN and Genopets foreshadow the potential of Move-to-Earn games. STEPN and Genopets raised around $5 million and $8.3 million, respectively, in their seed rounds. We will witness more investments in this intersection of blockchain gaming and physical activity.

Heroum believes this is a good sign that shows that the room for a professional GameFi publisher to go to market is becoming larger day by day, especially when the GameFi products can adapt to the market's current demand.

After the end of the global pandemic, many people understood that keeping themselves active and healthy would prevent diseases' severe effects. As a result, the number of gamers in the M2E gaming space increases exponentially. Heroum offers E-sport NFTs that power a series of Explore-to-Earn games combined with a desire to socialize and find a healthy thing to get addicted to. Heroum combines an active lifestyle, digital collectibles, real-life economic benefits, and interactive gaming experience in its core games.

Heroum's Explore-to-Earn games are trying to revolutionize the gaming industry by combining two things that every human would love to do: gaming and earning passive income. Even the prominent names in the gaming industry have not thought of such insightful ideas and innovations, while Heroum did. Heroum is the next biggest thing in the blockchain-gaming space.

An Overview of Go: Duel

The storm of a series of social network applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, more than ten years ago until now, is the key for us to see how much a person needs to be connected to others. However, people need a real connection, not just on the internet. Furthermore, they need fun and need to earn to balance their lives. Imagine how good it can be if a player can still entertain, earn in the virtual life by entertaining, turn their profits in-game to their real-life profits, and finally find the friends in-game and connect to them in the real world. Unfortunately, this is a gap that most current GameFi can't cover: if they focus too much on earning, they forget the entertaining factor, not to mention the social one.

We are not going that way because it will lead to the quick end of a game product, especially a GameFi product. At Go: Duel, a player can experience the real world in virtual life by just doing their daily walking. All the rewards they earn in the game can be used in real life. Instead of staying home and sticking their eyes on the phone or the screen to carefully calculate how to play to make a lot of money, they can go out for a walk, compete in-game for fun and balance their personal finances with their in-game rewards, and join in real social life. This is the 2-way interaction between the metaverse and real life.

Inspired by the technical idea of “Pokémon GO,” Go: Duel acts as the strategic product of Heroum to pull in huge of users on a global scale.

Players will use GPS technology to travel to “Agora Vein” to do the quest, join challenge mode, fight monsters, world boss (PvE) or duel with other players (PvP). The game will use the Heroum map to navigate the players to certain locations to fight. Players can directly see the monsters or other players right on their phone screen, thanks to AR technology. The match starts when the player is close enough to “Agora Vein” for a certain time. Fight by using tactical turn-based strategy in both PvP and PvE modes and become the champion!

The Potential of Go: Duel

Go: Duel has easy and attractive gameplay, and it functions moreover like a market platform with a big funnel to attract massive users who can just move/run from one place to another place, do a simple quest issued by the host-user to earn the reward (USDT, coupon, token, treasure). Heroum's Go: Duel represents a seamless transition from an "Online to Offline" (O2O) gaming mechanism. Go: Duel acquires many gamers through the brand's money who want to make users hover around places to quest for digital collectibles and earn rewards according to their wishes. As a result, brands receive good results from marketing campaigns. While brands can track, analyze, and attract exactly the audience they want, the players can earn healthy, fun, and excitement. Even the leading marketing channels like TV, billboard, and other digital platforms fail to offer great results as Go-Duel does.

Go: Duel maximizes the utility of NFTs by allowing special use cases for them. The brands or users should get hold of Land or Altar NFTs to activate the feature of hosting Agora Veins. The feature to create Agora veins for the owner is automatically unlocked for Land NFT and Altar NFT owners. It boosted the global soar of the Agora veins and user base geographically. The NFT transaction volume will witness a high market demand not only in buy and sell but also in renting and leasing on the marketplace.

Furthermore, the system also allows users to stake a certain amount of money to unlock the Agora vein owner feature. The Agora veins are designed to be limitless in scale and make a valuable contribution to the governance token. Thanks to this mechanism, Go: Duel brings excitement to players and maintains a stable economy for the ecosystem.


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