Our Value

Heroum publishes revolutionizing games in the Explore-To-Earn games and P2E war simulation games to gain strong influence and opportunity in the blockchain-gaming space. Heroum is recognized as one of the most innovative blockchain gaming publishers globally as it gives life to a new gaming model, E2E. Heroum is prophetic that any digital content, including games, will become more appealing if the gamers can enjoy a true gaming experience (physical activities, too) and complete ownership of digital collectibles.

Heroum's capacity as a gaming publisher allows us to glimpse an opportunity beyond just another capitalist endeavor that is mainly concerned with maximizing profits. Heroum is capable of building a framework for a more ethical and sustainable gaming platform while offering a variety of games with high conversion rates. Harnessing the power of blockchain technology and NFTs, Heroum allows gamers to create and own the elements of digital worlds that form the open gaming ecosystem. This means benefiting from your creations and property and sharing in the network effect of the greater whole, which allows the value of your assets to appreciate when the entire ecosystem grows.

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